
Tuesday -- Carolyn

The past few days have been so overwhelming and so exciting. Only being here for a few day has allowed me to learn so much. Its amazing to be able to have a conversation with people you meet in restaurants and hear straight from them all about the topics we have been learning. I never thought I would receive the opportunities I have already received since I've been here. I've met so many new friends and the people here are so nice. So far, the most eye-opening experience has been the day we spent at all the memorial centers. Seeing the pictures of the victims reminded me of the photos I have of my family, and it truly allowed me to wrap my head around just how tragic this event truly was. It was almost overwhelming to truly be able to understand what happened here and to finally see it in a real way instead of trying to understand it through readings. While it was extremely frightening and painful to learn about, I am so grateful to get the opportunity to get a glimpse into what these people have been through. Despite their horrible experiences, most Rwandans are so positive and have so much hope for the future. I am so amazed at how much strength it must take to forgive the perpetrators of these crimes. The courage these people have is so much more than I have ever even heard of before. I know I will miss this place when it is gone because it has already left such a great impression on me and I cannot express in words how proud I am to know these amazing people.

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